Magazine design advertising contest for BP

Designing a Funny BP Magazine Ad - Guaranteed Winner  

Satirical ad needed to display BP's handling of the oil crisis

Advertisement Type
Brand Name
Use your imagination
What we do
Pump petroleum into the ocean at an amazing rate
It's unfortunate how BP's been handling the oil disaster in the gulf. Help share your feelings about this situation by creating a magazine ad with a new brand for BP. Use your creativity & create a magazine ad, comic, or image that demonstrates BP's character.

After you submit your design, "like it" then share it. The most popular design will be awarded a $250 prize + an editorial feature on a popular global PR site, EverythingPR (The #1 English PR news publication in Germany). What better way to jump start your career than a cash prize + international exposure.

Media inquiries contact us here. Feel free to mention this on your blog. Email us if you do so we can promote your post.

Note: This contest is not being facilitated by BP or any of its subsidiaries, & neither BP nor Prova can be held responsible for any images presented as entries. The $250 prize will be awarded to the most popular design.

Tech Specs
Create a print ready magazine ad. Any size. Use your creativity. It can be a full page ad, a comic, or some other similar illustration.
Design Goals
Show the world how BP is really handling the current oil situation in the gulf.
Target Audience
Intelligent, 20-40 year old, global minded individuals.
What makes us unique (USP)
Use your creativity
Message to communicate
1. BP's competence in handling this disaster.
2. Catastrophic effects of the toxic oil spill.
3. Death to the surrounding wildlife & it's effect on the surrounding food chain.
Feelings to communicate
use your creativity
Customer Motivation
Use your creativity
Colors I like
Use your creativity
Colors to avoid
Use your creativity
Satire, humor, the fact that BP plans to save the Gulf Walrus, honesty, ...
Anger, hatred, violence, foul language. Please don't get nasty. Although BP's mishandling of the situation is devastating, we don't want to create a culture of hatred here.
Start Date
Jun 28, 2010
Jul 14, 2010
  • Win $250 on this Magazine Design contest$250
    contest accepting entries soon
  • 10 entries
  • in Magazine design
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