Joomla Advanced Social Bookmarker (with tracking)'s Advanced Social Bookmarker is a small plugin designed to easily add almost 300 different social bookmarking services to your articles with technology. is the #1 bookmarking & sharing button on the internet, plus it records every click from your readers. You can view your site statistics to see what's being shared & where.

Quickly & easily add social bookmarking buttons in 3 separate places in each article.

This plugin is easy to install & configure, & makes it easy for your visitors to submit articles & build traffic to your site.

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Some of the Bookmark Services

a1webmarks, aim, amazonwishlist, amenme, aolmail, arto, ask, backflip, baidu, ballhype, bebo, bitly, bizsugar, bleetbox, blinklist, blogger, bloggy, blogmarks, bobrdobr, bordom, brainify, bryderi, buddymarks, buzz, buzz_fr, care2, citeulike, connotea, delicious, designmoo, digg, diglog, diigo, domelhor, doower, dosti, dotnetkicks, dzone, edelight, ekudos, email, eucliquei, evernote, fabulously40, facebook, fark, faves, favorites, favoritus, fnews, folkd, forgetfoo, fresqui, friendfeed, funp, gabbr, gacetilla, globalgrind, gluvsnap, gmail, google, googlereader, googletranslate, gravee, grumper, habergentr, hackernews, hadashhot, hatena, hellotxt, hemidemi, hipstr, hitmarks, hotklix, hotmail, hyves, jamespot, jumptags, kaboodle, kaevur, kirtsy, kudos, laaikit, librerio, linkagogo, linkedin, live, livejournal, lunch, lynki, memori, meneame, mindbodygreen, misterwong, misterwong_de, mixx, multiply, myaol, mynasa, mylinkvault, myspace, n4g, netlog, netvibes, netvouz, newstrust, newsvine, nujij, oknotizie, oknotizie, oneview, oyyla, phonefavs, pingfm, planypus, plaxo, plurk, polladium, posterous, print, printfriendly, propeller, pusha, reddit, segnalo, shetoldme, simpy, slashdot, smaknews, sodahead, sonico, sphinn, squidoo, startaid, strands, studivz, stumbleupon, stylehive, svejo, symbaloo, tagza, technet, technorati, tellmypolitician, thisnext, tipd, transferr, tulinq, tumblr, tusul, twitter, typepad, viadeo, virb, webnews, wordpress, worio, wovre, wykop, yahoobkm, yahoomail, yammer, yardbarker, yigg, youmob



View it in action on this page (top R & bottom), or view our latest article & test share it.


Install in your Joomla 1.5 administrator page, Extensions -> Install/Uninstall. Click the 'Browse' button, locate the .zip file on your hard drive then click 'Upload & Install.' To turn the plugin on, visit Extensions -> Plugin Manager & click on the link 'Content - Advanced Social Bookmarker (with tracking).' Set 'Enabled' to 'Yes' & configure your options on the right.


In Joomla 1.5, visit Extensions -> Plugin Manager.  Click on Content - Advanced Social Bookmarker (with tracking).  Under Parameters on the right of the screen, set each parameter according to your needs.  Here is detailed information of each parameter:

Categories to include - Enter a comma (,) separated list of ID numbers for each category you want these buttons to appear. Visit Content->Category Manager. Locate the Title of the categories you want to use & locate the ID# of each category in the far right column. For multiple categories, separate each number with a comma (,). Example: 1, 2, 5, 9

Categories to exclude - If you want to include the plugin in every category except a few, enter a comma (,) separated list of ID numbers for each category you do not want this plugin to appear in. Visit Content->Category Manager. Locate the Title of the categories you want to exclude & locate the ID# of each category in the far right column. For multiple categories, separate each number with a comma (,). Example: 1, 2, 5, 9.  Entering anything in this field will cause the plugin to display in all categories except the ID #'s entered here, & will ignore the "Categories to include" parameter.

HTML above buttons - If you want any text or HTML to appear above the buttons in your article footer, include it here

HTML below - If you want any text or HTML to appear below the buttons in your article footer, include it here Username - If you want to track your click through statistics, enter your username here. It's free & you can register here.

More button label - The popup button can be labeled anything you'd like. Enter your desired label here.

1st Button - Select which badge you want to display first.

2nd Button - Select which badge you want to display second.

3rd Button - Select which badge you want to display third.

4th Button - Select which badge you want to display fourth.

5th Button - Select which badge you want to display fifth.

Page Side - Select if you want to display the badges at the top left or top right of your articles

Twitter Username - You can change the button to retweet your user account by entering your Twitter username here. Do not include the @ symbol.

Secondary Twitter Username - Twitter allows a 2nd usernames to be used in its badge as a way to suggest another Twitter account for users to follow after they share content from your website. This account could include your own, or that of a contributor or a partner.

Secondary Twitter Description - If you specify a 2nd Twitter username, describe it.

Leader Button - If you want any buttons for specific social networking sites to appear to the left of the 'More...' button in an article footer, you can add them here. Add any buttons simply by typing a comma (,) separated list of the sites you wish to include separated. Example: If you wish to include Facebook, Digg, Twitter, and Technorati enter: facebook, digg, twitter, technorati
The order you type in each site is the order the buttons will appear.

For more help visit our Business Tools Forum



Visit our forum for any questions or to report any bugs or feature requests.



We're glad you like this free advertising tool. As a way to help others out & support the development of other great tools, this free version of the Advanced Social Bookmarker contains a small graphic at the bottom right of your article that contains a link back to these free advertising tools for others to use.


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