Thursday, 26 August 2010 00:00 |
If you want your design printed on the side of every Large Priority Mail Box shipped from Hawaii this year, now's your chance. The USPS has launched a logo design contest. The winning design will be printed on the side of their Large Priority Mail Box. It's part of their "Season's Greetings from Hawaii" campaign they're running for the upcoming holiday season. The contest starts today & runs through September 7th. Get your entries in early so you'll have more time to vote up the popularity. In addition to adding a killer image to your portfolio, the winning designer will take home $200.
They're adding this logo to the box to help "inspire Postal Service customers to choose the Large Flat Rate Box for shipping packages worldwide." Come up with a Hawaiian themed holiday graphic that will be inspiring & attractive. Visit the USPS' design brief to read more about it.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010 17:19 |
Noodle, a site dedicated to helping students find the perfect fit for a college (and all sorts of other classes like kindergarten, yoga, summer,...) is offering up to $10,000 to the creative minds of to help create their ad campaign. All they need is a clever photo & a matching caption. You do NOT need to take any photos yourself. Simply find one on the internet, in your photo files, a friends' camera, or any resource that allows you to use their photo. Then add a clever caption & upload it.
Every winning design will be paid $100, & up to 100 winning entries will be chosen. The only requirement, is each photo must have the ability to purchase rights for reuse by Noodle. Noodle will pay for those rights, so you'll pocket the full $100. Get started adding photos & tell your creative friends about this contest. Here's an example of one of their designs. They have several more examples on Noodle's ad design contest page.
 Start browsing istockphoto, getty images, & other online photo resources & upload their comp images along with your caption for your chance at as many $100 prizes as you want. Visit Noodle's project page for full details & more examples.
Thursday, 15 July 2010 13:59 |
From the great state of Idaho comes the need for a politically based logo., a state government news website, posted a contest offering $300 for the best logo. This contest lasts through July, but you'll want to get your entries in early to take advantage of the extra time to increase the popularity of your designs. This is the second contest this client posted. In December, a book cover was succesfully designed by one of Prova's designers, CPStudioAZ.

Here's the design brief for the's new logo contest. Get your logo's entered, & show our client how popular it is.