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Fake Company design contests
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TOPIC: Fake Company design contests
Fake Company design contests 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago Karma: 0
Suggestion: Make up some fake companies and post contests for them. It will help us all stay sharp on our design skills if we have already made something for all the available contests. Have the community or the admins choose the winner. The prize would be points or bragging rights. Get so manny points, win a Prova shirt or something. Also it would give ideas and create more templates. What do you say?
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Re:Fake Company design contests 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago Karma: 4
I'm absolutely down for that. I didn't figure designers would want to do that. Does anyone else have an interest, or suggestion on how to run this? I have a few, but would like to hear some feedback.

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Re:Fake Company design contests 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago Karma: 0
I think that since its not for money, the rules would be pretty loose. Just come up with a fake design brief, and make sure to mention SEVERAL times that it's not for a real client. And make them out of the ordinary. You can only do so many lawyers and e-sales logos.
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Re:Fake Company design contests 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago Karma: 4
As requested, we've got a fake postcard design contest listed

Instead of a monetary prize, we'll be listing the top 3 designers as "Featured Designers" on our homepage.

We also have a real contest listed. This client wants a postcard to use as a handout as in person or mail introduction to potential retail customers who may resell Spoon Oil as an add on maintenance product to their line.
$250 for the best postcard

Show our clients the best & flood them with your best work.

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