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State government news website offers $300 for new logo Design

Posted by Prova

A new logo design contest has been posted at today by, a state government reporting site.  The website is offering $300 to the designer who best captures the image they're going for.  A full design brief has bee posted, and entries are being accepted through July.  You'll want to take advantage of the extra time allowed to increase the popularity of your designs, by entering early.

This is the second contest this client has posted at Prova.  In December, the non-profit successfully held a book cover design contest.

Contest Winning Book Cover Design

Contest Winning Book Cover Design

Here's the design brief for the's new logo contest.  Get your logo's entered, & show our client how popular it is.


Spotlight on fmgraphics

Posted by Prova

fmgraphics - One of the designes that makes Prova such a great place

fmgraphics - One of the designes that makes Prova such a great place

Prova recently learned a little more about one of our great designers, Fred Michael.  Fred's a 31 year old designer living in Montreal Canada.  He's been designing for the past 10 years.  Fred started his journey with Macromedia products, & has continued using them despite Adobe's buyout of the company.

I know most of the actual designers use Illustrator and Photoshop...but I am more a Fireworks guy.  I love it with a passion. I've always thought Photoshop was not user friendly enough!  But Vectors are definitely what you need in the Graphic Design World.

Fred loves Prova because it's like a constant challenge that pushes him to create better designs.  He's pitched several great designs to clients already, & we're glad he's a part of what makes Prova great: the designers.
Fmgraphics stands for Fred Michel Graphics.  You can find his company on the web at, or view his portfolio at


New Logo Trademark Search Service Launched

Posted by Prova

Trademarkia is one of the leading worldwide trademark filers and web-based corporate services technology platform. Today, the company launched its newest enhancement tool for Logo Search that helps its users easily locate trademarked logos. The free-to-use logo search feature greatly assists logo designers, marketers, brand managers, and other interested individuals and companies to locate active and inactive logos.


DIYSEO Launches SEO Automation for Your Small Business

Posted by Prova

DIYSEOAfter about a year in development, goes live, bringing advanced SEO techniques into the hands of small business owners.

Small business owners in need of optimizing search engine rankings, without the budget of a large corporation, can benefit from the launch of  DIYSEO has released a product that’s primarily targeted towards SMB’s with a budget of $49 and two available hours per month.  The site operates as a workbook for small business owners.  Registration starts by asking a few questions about the users’ business, competitors, and more.  Answers to these questions are used by DIYSEO’s system to recommend keywords and other optimization techniques.