Spotlight on fmgraphics

fmgraphics - One of the designes that makes Prova such a great place
Prova recently learned a little more about one of our great designers, Fred Michael. Fred's a 31 year old designer living in Montreal Canada. He's been designing for the past 10 years. Fred started his journey with Macromedia products, & has continued using them despite Adobe's buyout of the company.
I know most of the actual designers use Illustrator and Photoshop...but I am more a Fireworks guy. I love it with a passion. I've always thought Photoshop was not user friendly enough! But Vectors are definitely what you need in the Graphic Design World.
Fred loves Prova because it's like a constant challenge that pushes him to create better designs. He's pitched several great designs to clients already, & we're glad he's a part of what makes Prova great: the designers.
Fmgraphics stands for Fred Michel Graphics. You can find his company on the web at, or view his portfolio at