Redesign BP’s Brand Image
As BP’s response to the situation in the gulf has been careless, there is growing consensus that BP executives don’t care enough to make a difference. has created an opportunity for the general public to respond to BP's mismanagement. has recently launched an outlet for designers, artists, or anyone with an opinion to create a magazine advertisement which displays BP’s handling of the oil crisis. This is an opportunity for the public to visually express their feelings about BP. Everyone is encouraged to enter, and the most popular design will be awarded a cash prize of $250. Submit a magazine ad displaying your personal feelings about BP's handling of this situation & then get your friends to vote for your design.
Prova, an ad agency based in San Diego, offers small businesses a cost effective approach to quality advertising by creating advertisement design contests that harness the power of crowdsourcing. Prova has decided to use its services as a springboard to inspire responsible citizenship and open expression.
The developers of Prova believe positive change should emerge from harmful situations such as BP’s unfortunate oil spill. Prova has facilitated this contest as a way to help aspiring designers, artists, & the general public voice their opinion visually. Full details can be found at's magazine advertisement design contest.
Hawai`i Green Collar Institute Needs New Logo. $225 Reward

Win $225 for best Hawai`i logo design
A favorite client of has listed another logo design contest. Hawai`i Green Collar Institute is a new program that's recently been launched & is in need of a crisp new logo. They're offering $225 to the design that best fits their needs. If you'd like to help out Hawai`i & show off your design skill, jump on over to the contest design brief & submit your logo ideas. This client is great at providing feedback & looks forward to a creative new logo.
Another designer becomes a repeat winner
Congratulations go out to Kendel, our latest designer to join the list of repeat winners. Kendel scored $300 with her latest design for MMMLC's DVD cover. You can see her design, as well as the other entries at the Mary Murphy Mine DVD cover design contest. This is Kendel's second winning design since joining Prova. Her 1st winning design was for a door hanger design contest for a Church in California. We look forward to Kendel's future designs.
If you'd like to learn more about crowdsourcing, or want a designer like Kendel to create a professional quality design, visit to start a 100% Money Back Guaranteed design contest.
New Logo Trademark Search Service Launched
Trademarkia is one of the leading worldwide trademark filers and web-based corporate services technology platform. Today, the company launched its newest enhancement tool for Logo Search that helps its users easily locate trademarked logos. The free-to-use logo search feature greatly assists logo designers, marketers, brand managers, and other interested individuals and companies to locate active and inactive logos.