USPS Seeks Holiday Logo via design contest.
Posted by Prova

USPS Uses to Crowdsource Priority Mail Box design for Season's Greetings from Hawaii Campaign
The United States Postal Service in Hawaii has selected the online community of designers at to crowdsource the design of a "Season's Greetings from Hawaii" logo to be printed on the Hawaii Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Boxes. A new design contest via Prova's online platform was created to satisfy the Post Office's marketing, branding, and advertising needs.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) in Honolulu approached Prova to engage the design community there with the design project. The goal of the USPS campaign is to "inspire Postal Service customers to choose the Large Flat Rate Box for shipping packages worldwide".
State government news website offers $300 for new logo Design
Posted by Prova
A new logo design contest has been posted at today by, a state government reporting site. The website is offering $300 to the designer who best captures the image they're going for. A full design brief has bee posted, and entries are being accepted through July. You'll want to take advantage of the extra time allowed to increase the popularity of your designs, by entering early.
This is the second contest this client has posted at Prova. In December, the non-profit successfully held a book cover design contest.

Contest Winning Book Cover Design
Here's the design brief for the's new logo contest. Get your logo's entered, & show our client how popular it is.
Funny BP Designs
Posted by Prova
In an effort to give the community a chance to show how they feel about BP, Prova is hosting a design contest - Best design wins $250 (& a review on an international news site). Winner will be determined by the most number of "likes" received. We have some very clever designs. Here are a few interesting designs. Feel free to visit the contest & vote for your favorite, or add your own for a chance at the prize money (& international fame).
$550 for Design Services, Writeups, & Entrepreneurial Help
Posted by Prova

Talk about Prova? We'll be sure to share it with our friends.
Prova has gotten some great exposure recently. Honolulu's favorite newspaper wrote about how Prova taps graphic talent online. Young Upstarts wrote an in-depth article on how we're helping small business owners Crowdsource Advertising Designs. To make our day even brighter, two new clients posted design projects. One for a custom logo design, & one for a DVD cover design. We're giving $550 for the best designs. If you've got a creative design, head on over to Prova & show these clients what you've got.
If you're an entrepreneur, you might find Entreprecouragement a great resource for getting motivated when it seems like no one else is helping you.
If you would like to write about Prova, interview someone from our team, or mention us, let us know. We'll be sure to tweet, share, & tell all our friends about it.

- Entreprecouragement
- Launch a Logo Design Contest
Recent Replies
- Jesse Rydberg on Redesign BP’s Brand Image
- Mihaela Lica on State government news website offers $300 for new logo Design
- james kirk on State government news website offers $300 for new logo Design
- LogoDesignNews on State government news website offers $300 for new logo Design
- famous Logos on State government news website offers $300 for new logo Design
Design by MikeD

Design by Unit3

Design by Unit3

Design by Unit3