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Funny BP Designs

In an effort to give the community a chance to show how they feel about BP, Prova is hosting a design contest - Best design wins $250 (& a review on an international news site).  Winner will be determined by the most number of "likes" received.  We have some very clever designs.  Here are a few interesting designs.  Feel free to visit the contest & vote for your favorite, or add your own for a chance at the prize money (& international fame).

BP flower in oil, by Muxa

BP flower in oil, by Muxa

Cartoon, by fmgraphics

Cartoon, by fmgraphics

And currently at the top of the list

Oil Wars, by fmgraphics

Oil Wars, by fmgraphics

If you like these images, the designers would appreciate your votes.  If you think you can do better, submit your designs & get your friend to vote for you.

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