Spanish side will be posted once i recieve feedback.
from DBarr1 Oct 15, 3:41pm
I like the color scheme and presentation of info. Looks good.
from kendel Oct 15, 8:04pm
Let me know of anything else you might like to see. Thanks for the comment!
from kendel Oct 16, 3:56pm
I have now uploaded the Spanish version. Let me know if there is anything else you would like to see. thanks, Kendel
from DBarr1 Oct 20, 10:21am
"verse en momento en" should be changed to "verso a la vez" Rest of Spanish loks good.
from kendel Oct 20, 12:10pm
Changes have been made and new upload in design section. thanks, kendel
from DBarr1 Oct 20, 6:54pm
I was just looking more closely at the map. Is that just a sample? It does not look like our location. Thnaks.
from kendel Oct 20, 7:27pm
The Spanish version has your map. The other was just a place holder until i knew i was on the right track with your design needs.