New Logo for Hawai`i Green Collar Institute

A great organization in Hawai'i has recently selected the winning design in their second successful logo design competition. They received several options to choose from (79 to be precise), & decided on a monochromatic design by Muxa. They said there were several great designs to chose from which caused them to take extra time to decide on the best one for their brand.
VanSEO design blog giving away $500 in design work
There's a great design blog called VanSEO design that talks about all things design related. I've been following them for a while & have read lots of useful tips for designing our website. Right now, they're giving away free custom advertisement designs to a couple of their readers. The design work they're giving away is a $250 advertisement contest through us at We'd like to thank them for listing this for us. Please take a moment to Digg,, StumbleUpon, or tweet their article to support their generous shoutout. And if you'd like to get a free custom advertisement design by one of's freelance graphic designers, visit for details.